Apple currently sells an 18-karat rose gold Apple Watch starting at$ 10,000. 目前苹果销售的18克拉玫瑰金智能手表定价为1万美金。
Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. 然而每个人在不知不觉中拥有大量的植物学知识,很少有人认不出玫瑰、苹果或兰花。
The new iPhone, expected to be unveiled in September, is also expected to borrow the aluminium and rose gold used in apple's watch. 这款预计于九月发布的新iPhone,很有可能会采用类似苹果手表的铝制和玫瑰金两种材质。
Lenovo's global tablet market share rose sharply over the past year, but it is still far behind Apple and Samsung. 联想在全球平板电脑市场的占有率去年大幅提升,但与苹果和三星相比还有很大差距。
Common North American beetle: larvae feed on roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. rose bushes or apple trees or grape vines. 常见于北美洲的甲虫;幼虫吃根、成虫吃诸如玫瑰或苹果树或葡萄藤的叶和花。
As I watched, the small girl rose with her tray unopened soda, unbitten apple and walked away with a quick, graceful lope that belonged on a runway. 在我这样看着的时候,那个小个子女孩端着盘子站起来盘子上的苏打水没有开封,苹果也没被咬过用一种敏捷优雅的,只属于T型台的步子走起来。
Amaryllis of South Africa often cultivated for its fragrant white or rose flowers. Pale yellow with green lights, firm with green apple and lime flavors, spicy notes on the finish. 非洲南部的一种具有鳞茎的植物,花呈白色或粉红色,具芳香味。商品描述:色泽淡黄泛青,口感呈苹果和柠檬香,回味浓烈。